REDE#03 Exhibition

Three poster projects from students of the Graphic Design and Infographics course are a part of the exhibition of REDE#3. The third edition of the Meeting of the Portuguese Design Schools, took place last Friday December 3rd, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon (organized by the

Editorial design and book-binding workshop with Dário Cannatà

During the last week of October, the graphic designer Dário Cannnatà conducted an editorial design and book-binding workshop with the two first-year classes of the MDGPE. Dário has been a regular guest and instructor of the course and it is always with great joy and expectation that we host his workshop.

Kobalt typeface, and the Cobalt workshop branding exhibition

The opening of the exhibition “Kobalt: Identity of Oficina Cobalto”, integrated into the final project of the Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects of the student (Maria) Teresa Zagalo (Lima) took place last Saturday, October 23rd at 5:00 pm. It was possible to see the new version of the identity for Oficina Cobalto:… Continue reading Kobalt typeface, and the Cobalt workshop branding exhibition

Welcome note from the director

2019 school year opening session and welcome note from the course director.

Dear students: on my own behalf, on behalf of the scientific committee of the Master’s in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects (MDGPE) and of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP), I would like to welcome you and thank you for choosing to be part of this team. Let me start… Continue reading Welcome note from the director

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Strengths and Weaknesses: what to expect from the MDGPE

Maria Guimarães video interview for the AAUav NED

What to expect, and how to describe some of the currently available Master Programs in Design? This has been a project tackled by the Design student academic “core” from the University of Aveiro association. They have interviewed several enrolled students, or alumni from different programs to give their own unfiltered opinions.

Gerard Unger Merit Award

Figgurat by Abel Martins

Veronika Burian and José Scaglione have been supporting the research and development of new typefaces, especially the ones made by students, in the Gerard Unger Scholarship. A prize and mentorship program offered by the Type Together foundry. We are very pleased to announce the 6th edition of TypeTogether’s Gerard Unger Scholarship, open to any current… Continue reading Gerard Unger Merit Award

Speculative typography workshop

SLOType workshop during 2020 edition @ FBAUP

This week, in the type design course, we will have once again two invited guests co-lecturing the speculative type design workshop “SLOType”. Ana Catarina Silva (IPCD-ESD / ID+) and Eduardo Napoleão (UFSC / Unicamp) will join the staff professor Pedro Amado to co-host the workshop online. This workshop is part of on-going research on creativity… Continue reading Speculative typography workshop

Hello world!

A new schoolyear semester is starting. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be switching from a hybrid in-person + online mode to strictly online activities.

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