IJUP 2024

MDGPE Students @ the IJUP Hall of Fame photography backdrop. From left to right: Beatriz Gomes; Leonor Ribeiro; Carolina Silva; Leonor Aguiar; Vanessa Sousa; Laura Mineiro; Francisca Alves.

In the last three days, the University of Porto has organized and hosted the U.Porto Youth Research Meeting – IJUP, at the amazing facilities of the FEP university: The U.Porto Young Research Meeting – IJUP, is an annual event, which takes place at the beginning of the second semester, and where U.Porto students have the… Continue reading IJUP 2024

Mediavilla, by Sónia da Rocha

Sónia da Rocha presenting Caude Mediavilla's life and work

Last Monday, the 27th of November 2023, we had Prof. Sónia da Rocha at FBAUP, visiting from the ESAD.Har. She had been in Portugal for a few institutional visits and, of course, to attend the fantastic Typography Meeting at the University Lusófona in Lisbon the previous weekend. We had had the opportunity to catch up… Continue reading Mediavilla, by Sónia da Rocha

REDE#03 Exhibition

Three poster projects from students of the Graphic Design and Infographics course are a part of the exhibition of REDE#3. The third edition of the Meeting of the Portuguese Design Schools, took place last Friday December 3rd, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon (organized by the Designobs.pt).