IJUP 2024

MDGPE Students @ the IJUP Hall of Fame photography backdrop. From left to right: Beatriz Gomes; Leonor Ribeiro; Carolina Silva; Leonor Aguiar; Vanessa Sousa; Laura Mineiro; Francisca Alves.

In the last three days, the University of Porto has organized and hosted the U.Porto Youth Research Meeting – IJUP, at the amazing facilities of the FEP university: The U.Porto Young Research Meeting – IJUP, is an annual event, which takes place at the beginning of the second semester, and where U.Porto students have the… Continue reading IJUP 2024

Second year information session (2024-25)

MDGPE Infomation session, May 8, PS01 FBAUP

In the past Wednesday, the Scientific Committee (SC) board of the MDGPE master’s program organized and hosted the “regular” information session for students transitioning from the first year to the second year. In this session, ~30 students and 8 professors attended (either in-person or in a Zoom call). The professors (SC board included) presented their… Continue reading Second year information session (2024-25)

Categorized as News

Mediavilla, by Sónia da Rocha

Sónia da Rocha presenting Caude Mediavilla's life and work

Last Monday, the 27th of November 2023, we had Prof. Sónia da Rocha at FBAUP, visiting from the ESAD.Har. She had been in Portugal for a few institutional visits and, of course, to attend the fantastic Typography Meeting at the University Lusófona in Lisbon the previous weekend. We had had the opportunity to catch up… Continue reading Mediavilla, by Sónia da Rocha

2023 Welcome Note

2023-24 Students in the welcome session

On behalf of the Scientific Committee (SC) of the Masters in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects (MDGPE) and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP), I would like to welcome you — with a very special thank you and a very enthusiastic congratulation note — for your integration into this team.… Continue reading 2023 Welcome Note

Young Lions 2023

Duo competitors at Youn Lions. © https://www.instagram.com/p/CrDIv7csNrn/

4 FBAUP students — 3 currently enrolled students in the MDGPE — have made it to the final stage of the 2023 edition of the Young Lions Portugal: Margarida Silva (together with the LDC alumnus Mariana Carvalhais) and Jorge Moreira with Alexandre Sousa. Although they didn’t take “the podium,” they proved to be feisty competitors going… Continue reading Young Lions 2023

Schron Poltawski

Schron Poltawski is typeface revival designed by Beatriz Fernandes, Joana Teixeira and Margarida Silva, for the Type Design course in 2022.

Schron Poltawski is typeface revival designed by Beatriz Fernandes, Joana Teixeira, and Margarida Silva, for the Type Design course in 2022, under the supervision of Prof. Pedro Amado. For the second and final group assignment, students in the Type Design course must research and design a revival of a text typeface. This typeface was also… Continue reading Schron Poltawski

Saint John

Leonor Aguiar's narrative sequence, developed for CPI in 2022

Leonor Aguiar “São João” (Saint John popular festivity) narrative sequence, developed for CPI in 2022, under Prof. Rui Vitorino Santos and Prof. Júlio Dolbeth. For the Contexts and Practices of Illustration (CPI) course’s first assignment, students are prompted to create a mood board, followed by a 5–7 image-based narrative sequence by reflecting on issues related… Continue reading Saint John

The traveler

The Traveler. Fanzine detail by Cíntia Funchal. CPI, 2022

Cíntia Funchal “O Viajante” (The traveler) fanzine, developed for CPI in 2022, under Prof. Rui Vitorino Santos. For the Contexts and Practices of Illustration (CPI) course’s second assignment, students are prompted to create a narrative by analyzing three previously selected images or objects. When describing, narrative relationships such as the personal emotional connection, symbolic or… Continue reading The traveler

Promotional Brochure

Promotional Brochure, designed by João Aveiro, for the Advanced Studies in Editorial Design and Typography course during 2022, under Prof. António Modesto Students were asked to choose and analyze a work by a designer. This designer, in his work, should not comply with the invisibility rules of Beatrice Warde’s article, crystal goblet. After analyzing the… Continue reading Promotional Brochure

The Creative Potential of Animation and Repetition in Editorial Design

Variantype Tool, dynamic variable typography online app for generating interactive and animated compositions, developed by Vânia Oliveira, 2020

The Creative Potential of Animation and Repetition in Editorial Design: Development and evaluation of a parametric tool for creating typographic compositions. A master research and development project by Vânia Oliveira, developed in 2020. The evolution of communicative processes, as well as their supports and techniques, is a constant. Typography is no exception, as this process… Continue reading The Creative Potential of Animation and Repetition in Editorial Design