The Emotional Dimension in Typographic Poster Composition

Irene Peixoto's final editorial artifact collecting all the poster variations. Project Report, 2020

“A Dimensão Emocional na Composição do Cartaz Tipográfico” (The Emotional Dimension in Typographic Poster Composition) from Irene Beatriz Meireis Peixoto, a Master Project research developed in 2020.

This project deals with topics such as human emotions, design and typographic composition. The human mind, according to the work developed by Professor António Damásio (2011), diverges from the body-mind duality and is limited to a production of the brain that is dependent on and in constant interaction with the senses and emotions. (…)

The objective of this project is to understand how emotion influences and is influenced by a visual stimulus, depending on the more modular or experimental composition of the poster.

A set of 60 posters was conceived, where the typographic composition varied in two approaches: the regularity of the modular/grid-based composition; and the experimentalist of freer and more kinetic relationships. This project is characterized by having a quasi-experimental qualitative approach, being distinguished by a study with methods of analysis of indirect evaluation – interview and questionnaire – and with a sample of participants selected for convenience. From this set, 30 posters were selected in order to create an exhibition apparatus. An online emotional evaluation experience was conducted with 16 participants where their experience with the posters presented was evaluated. (…)

It was found that the more experimental typographic compositions arouse greater interest in users and remain in their memories, the modular compositions were more efficient in communication, however they did not have as much impact. Typographic composition proved to be a powerful tool in the ability to perpetuate the poster’s image in the memory of the interviewees.

Extract from the Master’s project report abstract.