IJUP 2024

MDGPE Students @ the IJUP Hall of Fame photography backdrop. From left to right: Beatriz Gomes; Leonor Ribeiro; Carolina Silva; Leonor Aguiar; Vanessa Sousa; Laura Mineiro; Francisca Alves.

In the last three days, the University of Porto has organized and hosted the U.Porto Youth Research Meeting – IJUP, at the amazing facilities of the FEP university:

The U.Porto Young Research Meeting – IJUP, is an annual event, which takes place at the beginning of the second semester, and where U.Porto students have the opportunity to present and discuss the results of the studies in which they participated in the scope of research initiation projects.

The research initiation program aims to encourage the involvement of U.Porto students in R&D activities, as early as possible, in their university education.

Freely translated from the about section of the IJUP webite
Maria Ribeiro is preparing to present her research in poster format during the afternoon session.

As it has been a recent tradition, the MDGPE — specifically through the actions of the student’s supervisors and the promotion actions of the Research Methodologies II (ongoing) course.

Francisca Alves, during her oral communication session in the afternoon

This year, the participation of the students has increased to a “whopping” ten students, presenting a total of 8 posters and 2 oral communications on topics ranging from book & editorial design applied to academic journals, architecture and urban planning, ethnographic and manga (Isekai) illustration, letterpress, type, and game design among other.

Discussion and feedback from the reviewers were insightful and valuable during the posters and communications.

We are very proud of our student’s participation and presentations. Our big thank you and congratulations to Beatriz Gomes, Carolina Silva, Francisca Alves, Laura Mineiro, Leonor Aguiar, Maria Ribeiro, Maria Ribeiro, Sara Tavares, Tiago Rego & Vanessa Sousa and their respective supervisors. These were ten of the 20 communications and 13 poster presentations in the Arts category. Many were from FBAUP (Graphic Design & Fine Arts Bachelor’s and Arts & Product Design Master’s programs) and other faculties such as FLUP.

We hope this experience has been as rewarding for them as it has been for us. We can’t wait to see what next year will bring us!